A Peek at the New Modern Office

I was spoiled for my birthday this year. The bf found my minis wishlist on Pinterest and surprised me with minis from around the world! South Korea, Thailand, USA, Argentina, and Canada.

Here are some quick pictures that I took soon after un-boxing of some of the new minis. I'll post more later. Overall I'm so pleased with the scale of all the items, the camera is meant to be 1:6 but works well with the other pieces.

Apple Products by LiLu, Camera found at Photojojo (edit 05/14 this item is no longer available there, but I have since learned that it is a 1:6 scale "Hot Toys City Solider Story" item and can be found on eBay, Designer Purse/Day Planner by Dollhouse Ara, Desk by Amazing Miniatures, Swivel Chair by Reac Japan

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